Champagne Joffrey


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September , the most important month for winegrower. The harvest starts hard work shows it's results. The harvest sometimes lasts into October depending on the year. The winegrower is then busy in the winery.  Winter can't be ignored that's why in November the vines must be protected from Fro ...

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January , is the time for pruning, it can sometimes start in   December and lasts until March. We make the vines "weep" by letting a few drops of sap run from cuts. Good pruning produces large amounts of good grapes  We must also decrease the number of shoots so as to ...

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Early June , flowering is well under way. The flowers gradually change into berries . The shoots stop growing.        In Summer, the berries grow bigger and bigger, they take on shape and colour. They reach maturity in September , th ...

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In March , we continue to prune the vines.  Buds appear timidly, bud burst begins.  In April , the vines continue to wake, the buds open more and more, and little leaves appear. Pruning is finished and we can go on to training vines on wires..  Finally in May , flowering s ...

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